Finally, I have been slowing down with trunk shows and workshops (I do love them though) enough to catch up on customers quilts and creating some new pieces for a new and revised trunk show!
Spring makes me just crazy about working! New ideas and some new "old ideas", plus I have been prolific with dyeing my own fabrics lately. It is as addicting as sewing!
The afabrigos have challenged each other with another project. This time we are interpreting Earth, Wind, Fire and Water!
Good challenge (thanks Robynne)
I have also been struggling with ways of depicting movement. This comes from the challenge of Wind!
There are so many kinds of movement. .........mechanical movement like machinery....bodily movement like running, swimming, or spinning! Also movement I call anger, heartbreak or elation!
Symbolism helps with some of these concepts, but still, quite a challenge with fabric!
My goal this spring is to use a wide variety of fabrics other than just cotton. Mixing my dyed cottons with velvets, burlap, silks, grasses and upholstery fabrics and anything I can pass off as fabric like paper towelling, moss, or construction materials like roofing tiles or plastic fibres.....what fun!
Food for thought...........
I was in the company of many people this last week. People who are retired (my age or a bit older).
I was amazed at how many of them do NOTHING as far as hobbies or reading or even going for a walk. They conveyed to me how bored they were and that they were too kid to think of starting now!
WOW! Did they not know that 80 is the new 60! And 60 is the new 40!
I have to live to 105 just to finish the things I have in the go now!
So happy I hang with the "young" Fabrigos!
Oh I am so happy to hang with the young Fabrigos, too. I wonder what it is that makes us old--are we born that way or do we learn it?